Laure C.

All contents copyright

© 2010 by Laure Coudour

All right reserved

Laure Coudour est née en France en 1971.

AprÚs 2 années passées aux Beaux Arts de Lyon, c'est à Paris, à l'E.S.A.G. qu'elle obtient son diplÎme de Graphiste Concepteur en 1995.

AprÚs avoir été chargée de créations de produits textiles et packaging, elle s'établit en free lance pour se spécialiser dans la peinture animaliÚre et l'illustration.

Changement de lieu , changement de style.

ArrivĂ©e en Suisse en 2004, elle se plaĂźt Ă  peindre des personnages « pop-art-dĂ©co Â», soulignant son goĂ»t pour la couleur. Ils lui ressemblent un peu peut-ĂȘtre 
 ou bien Ă  vous.

« Si tu veux voir peint l'ouvrage de ta vie, demande Ă  Laure ton portrait, un tableau transformĂ© par son regard. Â»


"On n'a jamais vu femme se sachant bien habillée attraper un rhume"

F. Nietzsche

Pour trouver toutes ses nouveautés à vendre, rendez-vous sur :

To find all the new creations for sale, go to :






Cliquez sur l'icone dans la marge de gauche.

or click on the icon on the left in the margin.


Laura C. Comes from an artistic family: his paternal grandmother painted, her father is a painter in Roanne, the story continues.
Child, she began drawing and painting at table next to his father any support then create a pretext for (rollers, boxes, doors, walls
"I love to paint since I was little."


Her career

After two years at the Beaux-Arts in Lyon, she joined the Esag (Higher School of Graphic Arts) in Paris where she enjoys teaching from designers and photographers recognized.
In deciding to devote herself solely to painting, she chose the roosters, the symbol of the Bresse, the subject of choice and then exposed at Georges Blanc in Vonnas.
For her, it also carries some menus.
Having painted many portraits and other animals, she started her period  «Coquettes».

Her universe, Her work

Initially, she wanted white walls to excite his creativity and those of his studio are covered with colored drawings by his children. Gradually, they are the ones that have shaped its cocoon.

She need music to silence his fears and avoid physical tension induced by the silence. The artists she listens to him sometimes inspire the atmosphere of his paintings.

She paints every day.
For her painting requires a daily workout, like a top sportsman. This is the only way forward, to evolve. She

Anxiety of the «blank canvas», and it is only when a table is opened to him the idea of ​​neighbor. But often she thinks the dominant green paint, then realizes in the end it is red. A painting leads to another.

Laura sees her work as close to that of a craftsman, so often expressed his instinctive taste for obsessive color.

Her masters

She loves Pablo Picasso (obviously), Francis Bacon (most unlikely), Pierre Soulages, Niki de Saint Phalle and Richard Lindner

She also admires fashion designers like Jean-Charles de Castelbajac Karl Lagerfeld and Vivienne Westwood. She is very interested in speech and Ă l'imagination designers she considers to be complete artists.

The «Pretty»

Laura loves so feminine

"Women, it's a nice topic!" Subject

Eternal subject of controversy, a subject object, the subject of attention

Subject of fun and levity too.

Maybe prisoner of perfectionism that drives it hard to finish a canvas. This attention to detail reflects the care they provide to the vanity of his subjects.

She painted the faces of the face because it is easier to engage with these ladies. In contrast to the modern trend, she literally painted without depth, a painting «smooth» because this technique is more favorable to the suggestion, imagination, the fantasy of the visitor who does not cling to a volume, or a material.
The beauty and soul interested can approach the divine. The graphics
Perfect closer to materialism and reality often cruel world.

Eroticism that emerges from its glamorous characters is always suggested, never displayed. Nothing can block the interpretation of the viewer who likes to do the job of appropriating the work.

His «finishing touch» is always translated by the application of beads and cabochons. Like a little hand, while precision. It is this detail that challenges, entertains or moves sometimes.
The beauty is just as much in women than in accessories. Laura loves
Accessory that looks great both in the dress she draws, with the animal that often accompanies his characters.

Original creations and impressions on canvas framed

For this exhibition, Laura C. Offers thousands of original models, and framed prints on canvas, to fill the white walls of modern architectures for large volumes. They are for her a lithograph revisited.

Laura C.

Born August 4.1971 in Roanne (Loire, France)
Married, 3 children


1989 - Ecole Superieure des Beaux-Arts de Lyon
1991 - Higher School of Graphic Arts (EUAs) in Paris in 1995
- Diploma Graphic Designer (EUAs)

Professional Experience 1996 - Responsible for creation in Droop (Paris)
Creating textile products, derivatives and
Packaging for museums
2003 - Professor of Art
 Schweitzer in Roanne (Loire)
​​2010 - Professor of Visual Arts at the cpe Sion (Switzerland)

Free lance / Illustration

«On the trail of cats'editions Nathan
Illustrations for various menus and dishes
Textile products for the restaurant Georges Blanc
Create graphics around the theme of the kings of France
To Shop of the Museum of Paris Mint
Illustration for Georges Duboeuf wines

Since 2005: lives, works and exhibits in Martigny (Switzerland)

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